BT/A Store
Q: Who is BT/A?
A: BT/A Advertising Inc. is an independent service provider, providing and fulfilling special offers and packages.
Q: Are offers and experience packages from the BT/A Store always the same?
A: As BT/A Store provides special offers and experiences, they are limited in time and availability. Please visit BT/A Store website frequently for the latest offers and experience packages.
Q: How do I purchase a BT/A Store experience package?
A: Experience packages can only be purchased directly through the BT/A Store website which is managed and hosted by BT/A Advertising Inc.
Q: How many experience packages can I purchase?
A: Limit per offer/experience will vary depending on package. The limit may change from time to time, subject to availability.
Q: Can I purchase experience packages if I live outside Canada?
A: These experience packages are only available to residents of Canada with a Canadian billing address.
Q: What form of payment can I use to purchase offers and experience packages?
A: The BT/A store accepts American Express Cards issued by Amex Bank of Canada as the only form of payment.
Q: How does the charge for my BT/A Store experience package appear on my American Express Card account statement?
A: Under the Details section of your American Express account statement, your BT/A Store purchase will appear as "BT/A Store".
Q: What are the terms for participating and purchasing from the BT/A Store?
A: Terms for participating and purchasing from the BT/A Store can be found at BT/A Terms and Conditions. Additional terms specific to the offer or experience package are provided in the offer details.
Q: How will the experience package be delivered?
A: Your experience package will be delivered via courier service to your billing address OR an e-ticket/e-voucher will be delivered via email. A delivery confirmation email will be sent to you containing estimated delivery time and method.
Q: If I have purchased an experience package from the BT/A Store that requires shipping, what will be delivered to my billing address?
A: If shipping is required, the experience package that will be delivered to your billing address will include, details of the offer event, tickets and/or vouchers to access the event offer, and other important information related to the offer event.
Q: If I have purchased an experience package from the BT/A Store that requires an e-ticket/e-voucher, what will be delivered to my email address?
A: If e-delivery is required, the experience package that will be sent to your email address will include details of the offer, e-ticket and/or vouchers to access the offer, and other important information related to the offer.
Q: How will the experience package be delivered?
A: Your experience package will be delivered via courier service to your billing address. A delivery confirmation email will be sent to you containing estimated delivery time and courier tracking number.
Q: How long will it take for my experience package to arrive?
A: Time will differ depending on package and delivery method. A delivery confirmation email will be sent to you containing estimated delivery time and method.
Q: Do I need to pay for shipping and delivery of the experience package?
A: Yes, if applicable. Delivery costs will be disclosed on the offer detail page and throughout payment process.
Q: Is a signature required to take delivery of the experience package?
A: No signature is required.
Q: Can I change my shipping address from my billing address?
A: All experience packages will be sent to the billing address associated with the American Express Card you used for purchase.
Q: Who can I contact if I have any issues with my experience package?
A: Please contact BT/A Advertising Inc. at 1-855-384-2224 or You can also submit any questions you have regarding the purchasing of your package directly to BT/A Advertising Inc. on the “Contact” page on the BT/A Store website.
Refund or Exchanges
Q: If I change my mind after purchasing the experience package, can I refund my purchase?
A: All purchases are final with no refunds.
Q: After purchasing my experience package, would I be able to exchange my purchase for a different experience package?
A: All purchases are final with no exchanges.